Tiglon Series
Three days every year, the lights go down, and stars will rise.
This is the only Dutch CrossFit competition that runs year round, and tests athletes on multiple days throughout the year to find the truly all-round fittest competitor

If you compete, you know what this feels like. Your quads are burning, and you're surrounded by barbells... left behind by competitors who've moved on to the next station.
But you refuse to back down. The true athlete just picks it up, and gives chase. Because this workout is far from over...

You're never alone in this when you have your coach, your friends, and your community at your back, fueling you to give it everything you have left during that final event.
This is what we train for. This is competition

We do not run... or walk away... or stumble. When everything is on the line, we fly

Credited athletes:
Madelon van Zanten - UnScared CrossFit
arcel Heinsen - Primal Training
Rosalie Suurd - CrossFit Noord
Charlotte Maris - CrossFit AKA
Sanne Bijleveld - UnScared CrossFit
Leonie Henrich - CrossFit Punt Uit
Niels Verschuren - CrossFit Gymert
Junior Edelman - Reebok CrossFit Almere
Enzo Hoogenraat - CrossFit Bink 36